The silly season of quadrennial presidential politics is upon us. Time to consider words we throw out (up?) every day of our lives. Governor Perry (now a mere memory) says he does "not believe" in global warming. Of course, "believe" functions badly here. This sounds like those who say they "believe" the world is flat or some who might say they do not "believe" in gravity.
We get sloppy and misuse these words or treat them as synonyms: Belief, knowledge, thought, persuasion, conviction . . . What Governor Romney and what Helen Smith understand by "free enterprise" is worlds apart. Am I "persuaded" that Helen Smith is correct or Am I "convinced" that she is correct; are they synonyms? Do I "know" the world was created in seven days or do I "believe" the world was created in seven days. Do I "think" that atoms and molecules exist or do I "know" they do.
Why does precise use of language matter? Does it? Like, you know, people can figure out what I mean . . . can't they?