Friday, September 9, 2011

the Charlie Burrus memorial post

This video relates to our writing in many ways. Just as there are four basic forces in the universe (Strong nuclear, Weak nuclear, Electromagnetic, and gravity), there are four basic forces in writing " (Phrases, Words, Vowels, and Consonants)." For our universe to exist as it does and perfectly support life, these forces must be perfectly balanced. Similarly to achieve perfection in our writing we must learn to balance these four forces.

We talk this year about connections:  the apple tree in “Game of Catch” connects to Genesis 2-4, which connects to the tree in Separate Peace.  As Hunter suggests, I want to explore the interrelatedness of all human endeavor by discerning connections between particle physics and our exploration of language.  All things in the universe are somehow connected; the word “universe” advertises that unity.

So what?  You will read and write the rest of your lives.  Many of you will make your livings reading and writing.  All of you will have to thread your way through written and spoken statements, some of which may contain misinformation or distortion.  For instance, when a political candidate makes claims about science, how do we seek and find the truth of the matter?  As Hunter understands it, discovering elemental particles, whether physical or linguistic, is the way to get at understanding and build articulation.

Many of you have puzzled over the claim that nothing “human can be alien”; all things human are connected.  This does not mean I must experience something directly to comprehend it.  I do not have to murder and pillage in order to comprehend murder and pillaging.  I read the Iliad or Beowulf to comprehend terror and its outcome.  The first hundred lines of Beowulf remind us that human beings throughout time have built towers and halls of clever fashioning.  A tower or hall tempts wreckers to pull it down.

(This post is dedicated to Charlie Burrus)


  1. Its true that you don't have to experience murder to understand it, but to truly grasp the idea or whats it like then you will have to do it. and since no one wants to commit murder then we will never really completely comprehend murder.

  2. I agree that all things human are human, they cannot be "alien" to us when we don't even know what aliens are or if they exist!

  3. As humans we can comprehend anyones actions, but as Evelyn said, the only way to truly understand someone is through shared experiences. The authors of the epics clearly understood that the more that is known about one's past, the easier they are to understand, and therefore both the Iliad and Beowulf begin with genealogies, in order to help us better understand the characters, and give the story much more depth.

  4. I agree that "nothing human can be alien." All humans have the same range of emotions and the same capacity to feel them. It is true that most of us will never fully experience murder, but that does not mean we cannot understand the criminal's hate and anger towards the victim. The murderer simply had a different outlet for his rage and was willing to take it farther than most of us would ever dream of. We cannot exactly imagine the act of killing, but maybe we can comprehend the reasoning.

  5. I agree that in some instances nothing "human can be alien". But, humans have different perspectives and do things that may be considered "alien" to the outside world. Yes, we probably will not experience a murder first hand, or a robbery, but without knowing what causes those things we judge and outcast the people who do them which is creating an alienation between them and us. We considered them crazy and different. Doesn't that make them aliens?

  6. I disagree with Alex. I think that as humans we can comprehend why another person does something. We can understand how even the most demented minds think. I disagree with Katherine saying that all humans have the same range of emotion because not all people feel the same emotions. I don't think it's about experience but I do believe that anybody can understand another human being's mind.

  7. even though this is my memorial post, I STILL STAND FIRM.... just not as firm

  8. We can imagine these things or understand them as the writers did when we read historical literature, therefore they cannot be alien to us.

  9. This relates to what I said in a different comment/the quote saying "nothing human can be alien to me". The quote is about empathy. Empathy isn't perfect and there isn't always a way to fully understand another person's experiences but to a point we can put ourselves in their shoes.

  10. This concept of nothing human being alien is false because this concept is showing us that we as humans are so dominant and know everything, spurs the idea that we are supreme and know everything. Even though we know a lot, we still have a lot to learn, and this idea spurs ignorance and kills innovation because if you think you know everything.

  11. The idea that nothing human can be alien is not possible. None of us subscribed to this blog know everything there is to know and ever will. It just shows the human ignorance and want of absolute power.

  12. "A tower or hall tempts wreckers to tear it down."
    The world trade center was a center for all that was successful in America. Much like Hrothgar's hall, it was torn down. Although, Grendel was not a part of the 9/11 attacks. Also, the second part to The Lord of the Rings, is called "The Two Towers." Both these towers (Isengard and Sauron's Eye) fall later on. Although the good characters are responsible. Can you think of any other instances where an iconic building or hall is targeted by those wanting to do harm to it?

  13. I disagree with the idea of nothing human can be alien because like wilson said humans do not 'know' everything so obviously many things can be alien to use because we do not understand them. The idea of murder is alien to us because while we may be able to come to the conclusion of why the murdered murdered someone we will never fully understand what the murdered was thinking, making the concept alien.

  14. There are so many human things that some people will never be able to understand, and that's what makes them alien.

  15. Anything not familiar to one human is considered "alien" to them, but for someone who has actually experienced it is not "alien". Are definition of alien is based completely on our experiences, and because we have not all had the same experiences, our ideas of human and alien are different, so nothing is set in stone whether it is alien or not, it's all perspective.

  16. Its true that everything is human because we have no idea what "alien" even is.
