Sunday, September 4, 2011

. . . the Higgs Boson and our search for prepositions

Mainly, I think of sophomores as noble, though incomplete, creatures who stride with giants and preen with gazelles.  My one quarrel with the species is its polite acceptance of authority.  The other day when I showed a little clip on the search for the Higgs Boson, everyone received it quietly, but no one raised a peep about its appropriateness in sophomore English.

 Standard model theory of the universe speaks of four forces and posits the Higgs Boson as a binding particle which prevents any gaps in the system.

As we move forward this week and next, we pay attention to four elemental forces in language:  vowels, consonants, words, and phrases.  Our language builds on these forces and the way they combine to form articulation.  As we pursue writing and articulation these next weeks, I hope you will raise more questions and accept things a little less readily; do not hide your skepticism under a sophomore’s innate politeness.


  1. Is the Higgs Boson theory, just an example of how our writing should be tied together or do we need to know about the whole thing in general?

  2. I think I get how you're trying to tell us that we need to link this video to our writing and comprehension styles by going much deeper than the surface to "read in between the lines" of it.

  3. I think the Higgs Boson is Phineas. The video talks about its intearaction with all of its sorroundings except a select few and the particles that act with the higgs always act with it. This shows Phineas impact on Devon and how all the boys interact with him, except a select few, like Leper.

  4. This video relates to our writing in many ways. Just as there are four basic forces in the universe (Strong nuclear, Weak nuclear, Electromagnetic, and gravity), there are four basic forces in writing "(Phrases, Words, Vowels, and Consonants)." For our universe to exist as it does and perfectly support life, these forces must be perfectly balanced. Similarly to achieve perfection in our writing we must learn to balance these four forces.

  5. I agree with Jay Kumar. Is his theory supposed to reflect our writing?

  6. Im curious as to how to tie in the Higgs Boson to our paper this week, and look forward to the challenge it presents

  7. I still do not understand what a Higgs Boson is? Hopefully I will be learn more about it in class this week!

  8. Is the Higgs Boson a person or a method? I am so confused!

  9. i think that the Higgs Boson is the theoretical particle that some scientists believe will disprove the possibility of a God

  10. I don't understand why this is important

  11. I do not understand the Higgs Boson particle video. I understand the general idea and summary of what it is but I am not sure how it relates to anything we have talked about, Separate Peace, Achilles and Patroclus's relationship compared to , Beowulf, Etc. If it does I'd be very interested to see such a connection.

  12. I believe the Higgs Boson in the atomic world is directly related to sound in the world of literature.

  13. Im not sure how this relates to anything we've done up to this point but I do understand what the video is saying.

  14. I change my mind I think what Hunter said is correct regarding our writing but I am still confused to how it relates to the book we are reading.

  15. I understand the main idea of the video, but i don't understand how it is related to writing or any of the books we are talking about.

  16. I understand that the binding particles prevent gaps in a system. What I do not understand is how combining elemental forces in language creates articulation.

  17. I think that the Higgs Boson particle represents Finny because the video explains that the particle has a value and physical reality at every point in space, just has Finny affects everyone at Devon. The Higgs particle also reacts with other particles everywhere and all the times, similar to the way that Finny was involved in all the boys at Devon, and he was even involved in Gene's life after his death.

  18. I hope everyone notes the deft way in which Kelliann connects a bit of physics to a bit of literature. Part of your job this year is to learn to make deft comments.

  19. I don't think I understand how this ties into everything that we are doing?

  20. i don't understand the importance of this at all.

  21. this is beautiful. just like many modern dancers, language can move with grace like a gazelle. i have mastered language and can use it to my will. seeing as language is as graceful as a gazelle, i am gazelle.
    i coming for the cheetahs of the world.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. is His theory how we need to phrase and type our writings?

  24. I think the higgs boson represents a key figure in society whom the world revolves around and people loves. This concept reminds me of any ruler of most countries because these types of rulers are liked and most things revolve around them. Even though some rulers are disliked, the rulers still represent the key figures. I also agree that it represents Finny in the novel.

  25. I understand it and I see the connections.
